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Alive Without a Life

Life after college is boring. Hence why I haven't updated since November. I'd put you to sleep, if I haven't already.

I work, go on Facebook (FarmVille has sucked me in), download a lot of electronic music (my interest has increased ten fold...Simian Mobile Disco? Duck Sauce? Cut Copy? HOLY SHIT), make a lot of money (living the food service dream), save some, spend the rest of the money on self-tanner, used books and binges at Target and read those used books.

My dad comes home and the first thing he asks me is my work schedule, if I'm working today, where, what time, what about tomorrow or, like today 'You're home??? WHY?!' Because a day off is nice? Jesus. If he could be my dad but a hundred years ago, my family would have done something extraordinary and we'd be rich and I wouldn't have to deal with this shit. That's how every big bidness got started, with someone going 'Let's work all day every day now that we're in America, the land of opportunity'. If someone would have done this, I would have been old money, not working class. Thanks, ancestors.

I applied to be an admissions counselor at UMD. I've applied to charter schools looking for positions right meow but, in reality, who wants to start teaching in the middle of the week in the middle of the year? That's like asking for a stress-induced heart attack. I've sent resumes to Catholic schools. I've started some apps for public schools (you know, those big institutions with the greedy bitches who have those ridiculous pensions and need to stop complaining because they get two months off and they're 'just teachers'?...). Not like they're going to be hiring for anything unless you're special ed certified or want to teach a class with 40 screaming second graders. I also sent my resume in for a job at DPhiE nationals. My motto? Apply for anything and everything. Something will come up.

Dave and I are doing fine. He moved into his grandma's house but still hangs out at his parents' at least twice a week. (He's an Italian mama's boy and they have TiVo, an 'unnecessary expense', so I knew this was going to happen.)

More updates soon. Might as well.

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