Note: If you are easily offended, have a problem with salty language, are close-minded, hold personal grievances against me, or are looking for song lyric & vague emo posts, stop reading. This is not for you.


Life On My Own

Living with Dave is not nearly as awful as I had originally expected. We're both gone a lot so we're not sitting underneath each other all day.

Huge benefits of living not with parents -
1) I have my own room, which essentially has everything in it but a bed. (Still at my folks' house...I'll get around to moving it plus other unnecessary things I still have there.) But I've never had my own room. I shared with my brother until I was about eight or nine. Then by that times Bangs was about three so she moved in and my bro got his own room. So now I keep my messiness contained in the back bedroom, a shrine to my plaid-shorts-and-flip-flop-wardrobe.

2) I live about four blocks away from a 7-11. And they always have Mountain Dew Slurpee on tap.

3) Dave's TV is hooked up to a ridiculous surround sound system with a plug for laptops. When no one's home, I have a fist-pump dance party in the living room.

4) Did I mention I don't have to pay rent??!?! Dave and I just need to live in it and keep up the house. We just split utilities and groceries.

5) I get to live with the man I love. Awww GAY. No, he's a great roommate. The day it all went down he was very comforting and told me how, even though it wasn't in our plans, we were going to make the best of it. And we're both in the mindset that, when no one's coming over, the house doesn't need to be spotless. I'm sitting next to an open bag of chips. The old toaster oven is sitting on the kitchen table. And the basement is a SEA of clothing. Who gives a crap?

6) I'm under a lot less stress. I spend time reading and enjoying life, instead of hiding from my family because they're about to go ape shit about my shampoo not being on the shelf in the tub.

7) I'm about four minutes from work at the restaurant. That means longer naps before work.

8) I was buying my own food LONG before I moved out so that was not a big issue.

9) Women walk their dogs ALONE AT NIGHT. I haven't seen that in Redford since 1996!

Drawbacks of living on my own -
1) If I sub in Redford, which I do more often than not, it's a 15 minutes drive instead of 2 like before.

2) I'm still somewhat upset at my mother. I mean it's worked out. But the way it went down was awful, screaming, crying, empty threats and finally 'You's time for you to find another place to live'. But she hugged me about three times in an hour at my brother's graduation Sunday. She feels guilty, as she should. (Yes I know Mother's Day is this Sunday, don't give me that look, I got her something.)

3) Often times I wake up in the middle of the night with Dave touching a nip. (I sleep fully clothed in layers, mind you.) He should know better than to interrupt my sleep.

4) I went from a queen size bed all to myself to a queen size split with a 5'8" starfish who sleeps with three pillows and is about 30 degrees hotter than the average human.

5) The Dearborn Public Libraries are not on the Wayne County network so I have to go with Dave (or, like last week, one of his parents) to check out books. Apparently a paystub or student ID is not enough to verify working or going to school in Dearborn. I need to have something printed on letterhead. Or pay 80 dollars a year. I'm sorry, when did public libraries become yacht clubs?

1 replies:

ulovesarahh said...

LOL to your downside #4. I feel your pain. Adriel is a 6 foot starfish that is also abou 30 degrees warmer than most humans when he sleeps. And if he's not starfished out, he tries to cuddle with me... to the point that I have a good 7 inches of space or I'm off the bed. It's pretty comical though. And it makes me feel less bad waking him up and pushing him back on his side ;)